Monday, January 4, 2016

I'll never eat again.....

Today is the last day I will eat food.  Ever.



Well not quite.  But...

Tomorrow I start full liquids. If it can fit up a straw, I can have it. That's Tuesday and Wednesday.
Then there is Thursday... the Gut Cut.

The eating plan afterwards is 2 weeks of full liquids. 2 weeks of pureed, and 2 weeks soft food.

Then I can eat again. About an 1 or 2 ounces a meal.

Someone on a Facebook group posted a picture of a steak they pureed. Let's not discuss that. I won't be doing that! I plan to eat a lot of pureed black beans. On another group someone posted a recipe for Egg Custard. Will everyone make me this, please? Just add some unflavored protein powder and I am good to go! Yum

I spent last night setting up my medication for the week. Lot's o' medication. That's part of the reason for the Gut Cut! Let's get off that damn stuff, if we can. Anyway the office sends you home with a list of all your meds and instructions on each as to when you can take your last dose. Most can be taken the morning of surgery, but some have to be stopped tomorrow.

If you have Rheumatoid Arthritis, then this part really sucks! I take a drug called Methotrexate for my RA. This drug has done wonders for me! I had to stop that two weeks ago. Ugh! For the past three days I have woken up with little sausages for fingers.  Also I can't start taking this again for 2 weeks after surgery.

Let's hope I don't go through these stages in that amount of time!

I won't. I still look like that first picture. I'm sure I will still look like that in two weeks! I'll just whine a lot!

Also for the pain side of RA I had to stop my 500mg Naproxen that I take twice a day. My last dose of that was as a week ago. Do you have a moment to listen to my whine about that? No? Okay, but OW!!!!!!!

There will be new stuff I will take - some I am taking now- that is because if the Gut Cut. I am taking something to keep me from having Gall Stones and another for acid reduction. Both are things I should be on for 6 months, but I will probably be on the acid reducer for life, or I won't be able to take my naproxen. No NSAIDS after a Gut Cut, without it.

Also I will now take a Flintstones Chewable Vitamin.  The guys at Complete Nutrition introduced me to a powdered Multi this weekend, so when the Flintstone run out, I may switch to that instead. It seems a little less juvenile!

I also now take a sublingual b12 and Calcium Citrate. Calcium Citrate has been the hardest for me. Everything I have bought that is chewable had a sugar alcohol - mannitol- that upset me stomach. So I needed Calcium Citrate Power and that is what brought me to Complete Nutrition.

Let me give them a little plug. Complete Nutrition at 50th and Mills Civic in WDM. Great customer service. They gave my friend and I a lot of samples. And Gut Cutters get a 22% discount when you shop there.

Well I think that is my latest update. Not a lot of fun and wit, but at least there were pictures.


Friday, January 1, 2016

There I am. Maybe 11 or 12 years old. I've been looking at this picture the past day or so, and I thought about the old cliche of what advice would you give your younger self.  I realized that all of mine started with "Don't".
Don't do this, don't do that.
Don't go miniature golfing that night.
Don't get into that relationship.
Don't Don't Don't.
Negative. Negative. Negative.

Let's turn that around. We can't change what is going to happen to that girl in the next 20-30 yrs, but we can make a change.

On Thursday.